The Ow Rina MWdJe-eanh, The Hobbit, The lord of the Ring», and the characters, items, events and places therein are oadenurits or re^stered crademarlu of The Saul Zaentz Company tMVa Middeearth Enterprises and are used under kense by Sophisticated Games Ltd and their respective licensees. All rights reserved No pan of this pubkation may be reproduced, stored m a rrtncval system, or transmit red. m any form or by any means, rtcctrorar, mechanical, photocopyina recording or ochennse, without the pnor permission of the pubfeheis
High Rivendell CUBICLE © 2019 Cubicle 7 Entertainment Tht On* Mdk-tirth. TV Hobt* Th* lord o( 0* ftnflv *rd th* durxten. temv rvtnei md pixel tfwmn m traicmjria of rtytitrtd tidttntAi of J>* S*ul Zeentz Cempmy d'Vi MidJe**rth Irttrpmti jrdjrcuvedundrf I<»fv.eby$cpi»sc»fcd6»ineilld jrdtfwf reipectivi kwtteev Al npVi mervtd tfo pjrt of »hi publcjticn mey be rrp<c^u:«-i liofid In a rrtrWv*l jyitrr\ of twamMed in vw farm « by tr* mum, tkcvonc. mc<t*rkJ. photocopy-ng reccfdrg of wh«n*hfc wthou the price pwnrMicn <4 the puMshwi
CUBICLE Elves of Mirkwood © 2019 Cubicle 7 Entertainment The Ole Rr.) VA<J4t-«»rt)\. The HDfcfcrt. The lord d the ftruji end the <h*ractm, *nn\e'*nb end pieces therm jrefcederftjrtic» regitertd tredenwtiiofTheSeulZjerizCompjrrydtvi M«ldle~e*rth Intarprhet rti ere uwd t/tdw tceree by SoptaUetod Game* Ud end tf*e letpectne ktmeei M righti rnervtd. Ho p*t <t IHj pubkitKn hmjt be reproduced flortd r\«retrieval syitanv or In my fcem or by ary meant, etKMMc mechartcal phcttKcpyens «toning or cO*em*. **«Nx< the prior peewwaen oi the pubtahm
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CUBICLE Rangers of the North © 2019 Cubicle 7 Entertainment ■» lh»r*n <rt tmiemrlo or rr^itrrtd trednrariu of Th* Seul Ittrti Compmy d&t Uddle-**rth iM rights merved. No pert of thdpubicjtlcnmtyb* reproduced si orednantncvelsyiMnv or , mrthinal photocopying rtcerdng or o&tnwn*. «Atout th* prtor permsUon of th* pubMwrt FtaeRm^Mddk-eertiiTheHcbtotThelordcf the Rngv end th*ctor»c«tn, «mu events» enterprises and** used sndtr teens* by SopMrfcjted Gomes Ud end Che* respect««! bmsmnrdm my form or by ary m*mn eh
IG IN THE WORLD OF THE HOBBIT" AND THE LORD OF THE RlNGS’ Based on the novels by j.R.R. Tolkien
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