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Властелин Колец facebook личное 
By Jon Athmann
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Gandalf the Grey is attending Bilbo's One Hundred and Eleventieth Birthday Party!
September 22nd. 3018 n Frodo Baggins and 40 others like this
Bilbo Baggins Ahh. the finest weed in the Southfarthing
By Jon Athmann Likes 165 Photos D Status [g] Photo £ Place □ Life Event What's on your mind? Gandalf the Grey is attending Bilbo's One Hundred and Eleventieth Birthday Party! September 22nd. 3018 n Frodo Baggins and 40 others like this Bilbo Baggins Ahh. the finest weed in the Southfarthing o o O o o o o o O o o o September 22nd, 3018 • Like £ Gandalf the Grey Lol, pass the Lembas chips September 22nd, 3018 Like Bilbo Baggins I can't, my arms are too heavy... September 22nd, 3018 • Like - 3 people 1 Gandalf the Greyjust sail them on the boat < P l _L / / \ ( i i ( \ September 22nd, 3018 . Like . tCi 3 people Peregrin Took wtf guys, stO| Lembas chips! September 22nd, 3018 . Like Lembas*chips!* ^ 9UVS' St°P Smoking my ,eaf and eati"9 all Gandalf the Grey f*#k you, I'm a wizard! / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 -TT'- 1 To/ <o>1 -'-\_ :,.) > :/ • II/)“ l\ /( \- /I : V‘--> 1 * /-< Il V-.) • ; ; II. ! ■ r-. \\ V i Í • ‘ ■' ■' \ \_ )) : ; it : r-.A II l\ \ • ; ; i ( ' / /_ , , September 22nd, 3018 . Like . «3 5 people Write a comment... £ Gandalf the Grey at Bag End September 23rd, 3018 ft CAREFULFRODO THAT ITEM BINDS ON PICKUP tó Sauron likes this Comment Share Frodo Baggins Bind on what? September 23rd, 3018 . Like ' Gandalf the Grey Omg, I can't believe you picked it up September 23rd, 3018 • Like Frodo Baggins What's the big deal? September 23rd, 3018 . Like S Gandalf the Grey Pretty sure that's Sauron's Ring of Power. The outta^ere * V°U 1,11 thC Cnd °f days" wel1, good luck! *'m September 23rd, 3018 . Like Frodo Baggins Nazgul!? Where are you going! September 23rd, 3018 • Like : Gandalf the Grey I have to check the Strategy Guide ■ September 23rd, 3018 Like Frodo Baggins But. what does the ring do!? September 23rd, 3018 . Like £ caastdaanV,hhe Cify 9ives +« stealth, but it costs 20 HP to M cast, and the attack damage doesn't stack... September 23rd, 3018 . Like Write a comment... Frodo Baggins checked into Rivendell with 9 others & October 25th, 3018 “ Arwen Undomiel likes this Comment Share Elrond We must destroy the ring October 25th, 3018 . Like The Ring Uh guys, you know I can hear you, right? October 25th, 3018 • Like Snii'tiback065 n0t SimP'y ta'k 3b0Ut thC rin9 °f power Oaober 25th, 3018 . Like The Ring Thank you, Boromir October 25th, 3018 . Like ^to9thenflameshaVe Fr°d° 639,65 t0 Mt' D°°m and Cast il Oaober 25th, 3018 . Like 3 people i mount ^ the GrCy HC S n0t 3 h'9h en0U9h level t0 use a flying October 25th, 3018 . Like Boromir One does not simply level on the way to Mordor October 25th, 3018-Like sec90°ndI?B0r0mir’ COU,d VOU St°P f’#king talking like that for two Oaober 25th, 3018 . Like Boromir One does not simply stop talking like this Oaober 25th, 3018 . Like . «3 5 people Write a comment... Frodo Baggins is in a relationship with The Ring Moria h Like Comment Share The Ring Where we goin? January 13th, 3019 - Like Frodo Baggins Into Mordor January 13th, 3019 . Like if you pu9t me on M°rd°r! Y°U kn°W' We’d 9et there faster January 13th, 3019 • Like Frodo Baggins I can't, the Wraiths will find us January 13th, 3019 . Like mntRton9pReal qUiCk'jUSt Shde V°Ur f'nger in me' you know you January 13th, 3019. Like Frodo Baggins I said no! January 13th, 3019 . Like The Ring Come on, just the tip? January 13th, 3019 . Like Write a comment... Gimli ► Lególas February 16th, 3019 1* AND MY AXE! s -V.** - C;; ;. '• 4r/L *• ? & • * * ¿ft. ■ * -f* •*- II *3 Jonas Zimmer Art likes this. Meriadoc Brandybuck How come Gimli gets all the girls? February 16th, 3019 . Like Legolas Yeah, my elf eyes are so blue! February 16th, 3019 • Like Aragorn And my beard is so rugged! February 16th, 3019. Like | Gandalf the Grey And my staff is so long! February 16th, 3019 Like ^th bigCfeCetm9ee P'US V°U k"°W What thGV Say ab°Ut a hobbit February 16th, 3019 . Like , j Arwen Undomiel I know, but, dat axe... February 16th, 3019 - Like Write a co mment... Gimli ► Legolas February 26th, 3019 I* Like Comment Share Legolas Okay, the next mother-f*#ker who says "arrow in the knee is gonna get a mother-f*#king arrow in the knee' February 26th, 3019-Like Lurtz I used to be an elf like you. then an ore took her knees February 26th, 3019 • Like your mom to Legolas Alright fine, so you want it to go down like that February 26th, 3019 . Like Lurtz Your mom wanted to go down like that February 26th, 3019 - Like Write a comment... & Legolas' recent activity Has killed Uruk-hai, Trolls. Ores and 86 others Like Comment Share y Legolas How many do you have? February 26th, 3019 - Like Gimli 7... February 26th, 3019 - Like Legolas Only 7? I've killed 20 while you were just talking now February 26th, 3019 . Like Gimli It's not about quantity. I've had some pretty epic kills okay February 26th, 3019. Like in*?h°e,aface?e ^ ^ 'jumped on the trol,’s head and shot him February 26th, 3019 - Like Gimli Well... February 26th, 3019 - Like “ °^t!'at time in the wo°ds when I rapid-fire killed 7 ores in 3 seconds? February 26th, 3019. Like Gimli I mean, I axed a dude in the nuts... February 26th, 3019 Like «3 5 people Legolas I guess that counts as two February 26th, 3019 - Like Write a comment... Frodo Baggins February 26th, 3019 1« 1 HAUE NO 1 / IDEA // WHAT I'M DOING The Ring So like, you know where we're going, right? February 26th, 3019-Like Frodo Baggins Not at all. but I figured we could use Apple Maps February 26th, 3019 - Like The Ring F*#k. but we'll meet up with those three experienced warrior friends of yours, right? February 26th, 3019 • Like Frodo Baggins No, we have to leave them behind February 26th, 3019-Like The Ring Did you bring water, food, general provisions... February 26th, 3019. Like Frodo Baggins I brought Sam February 26th, 3019 . Like Samwise Gamgee And I brought a piece of Lembas bread' February 26th, 3019 - Like The Ring F*#k, I should have stayed with the creepy anemic-lookmg guy that stroked me all the time February 26th, 3019 - Like Gollum You saids you likes it, Precious! February 26th, 3019 - Like Write a comment... pwnicorn
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