Легендариум Толкина :: Арда (Arda) :: фэндомы

Легендариум Толкина ...Арда фэндомы 

The House of Anarion was the extended ¡house of the noble and royalty of Gondor, descended from its first Kings, The
j i	&
house included the Kings of Gondor'and their heirs, of
course, but also their siblings and their

Artior, or Che NoRCheRn Kingdom, mas a :.p kingdom op Che Ounedain in Che ¿and op eRiadoR in CDiddCe-eaRCh. 1C iua8 Che ORi£inat seac op Che l~)i£h Km£ op ARnoR mho Ruted oveR 6oCh ARnoR and CJondoR.
ARnoR cua8 pounded aC Che end

IANARI©N iSHlUDREN MENEUDlIi GERMENDUR EARENDII ANARDII The House of Anarion was the extended ¡house of the noble and royalty of Gondor, descended from its first Kings, The j i & house included the Kings of Gondor'and their heirs, of . course, but also their siblings and their descendants. On . . . . several occasions, the direct line of descent failed in Gondoi and other members of the house were called on to take ugjj the Kingship. Most notable among these was Merieldil? & r & himself, the first King to rule Gondor in his own right, who & & .7 took up the throne on the death of his uncle Isildur. 0ST0HER kTliIRAMBAR THE BEGINNINGS Near the end of the Second Age the High King of the exiled o o o Numendreans was Elendil, whose sons Isildur and Anarion jointly ruled the realm of Gondor. Elendil and Anarion died in the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men and Isildur died soon thereafter in the Battle of the Gladden Fields, which left the crown of Gondor in the hands of Anarions son Meneldil. From this first sole King of Gondor came the House of Anarion, the royal house of Gondor. ATANATARJl SIRI0NDIL* FAI?ASTUR ►TARGlRYAN THE SHIP-KINGS After King Siriondil came the four Ship-kings of Gondor who extended the realm along the coasts and conquered the Haven of Umbar. Atanatar II, the ruler who followed these kings, enjoyed the splendor of Gondor at the height of its power. <21 RYAN DII iHYARMENDAGU?!! ATANATAR'II NARMAGU?! GARMAGIL R0MENDAGI0D GAELMEHTAR VAEAGAR STRIFE After Atanatar II the attention of Gondor shifted to the north ai^cheast. Concerned about the loyalties of the Northmen and dismayed by the Easterlings, Minalcar led an army to the east to remove the Easterling threat. His softT ; Valacar served as an ambassador to Vidugavia and unexpectedly wed his daughter. From this union developed the Kin-strife, the first great evil to befall Gondor. ^GASTAiMlR^ THEiUSURPER EliDAGAR gSONSfOFJ GASTAMIR ©RNENDIL AEDAMIR H yarmendagTi* n ( ancamaitE MINARDI I SANGAHYANDO . * TEIlEVlNAR TELUi\4EHTARJ narviagidU ARGIRYAS ARTAV1IR FARAV1IR MIN0HTAR mother to Aranarth, first Chieftain of the Ddnedain EARNUR’
EUENDUR- ARATAN KlRYON kVAIfANDll EliDAGAR ARANTAR- jTARGlIi Artior, or Che NoRCheRn Kingdom, mas a :.p kingdom op Che Ounedain in Che ¿and op eRiadoR in CDiddCe-eaRCh. 1C iua8 Che ORi£inat seac op Che l~)i£h Km£ op ARnoR mho Ruted oveR 6oCh ARnoR and CJondoR. ARnoR cua8 pounded aC Che end op Che Second A£e (S.A. 3320) etendit, cuhose sons pounded CJondoR aC Che same time.The hiscoR^ op Che Ctuo kingdoms is inCeRCcumed; 6oCh kingdoms aRe knouin as Che Reatms op Che Ounedain in excite. ,TAR0ND©Rl iVAL'ANDUR EEENDURl EARENDURi AEDARI0N / , theKINGSof t Arthedain theKINGSof ARChcdain ша.8 one op Che ') ChRee Realms op Che Ounedain op Che NoRCh eRcaCcd pRom Che pRa^mcnCaCion op Che kingdom op ARnoR. ApCeR Che deaCh op ARnoR's km£ GaRcnduR, his sons divided Che Rcatm mCo Che (kingdoms op ARChcdain, ) RhudauR and CaRdo^an. ^ ARChcdain ¿a^ pRimaRiC^ P беСшссп Che Lhun and Che >!/ BRand^aiinc m noRChшc8CcRn CRiadoR. hoMCVCR, ic ateo [ claimed Che ¿and noRCh op Che V QRcaC Case Road pRom Che bRand^mme bRid^c Co Che ^ CUeaCheR bi&8. NoCabtc i\ peaCURCs unchin ARChcdain I) uicrc Che h\CCs op Cvcndim, Lake Cvcndim, NoRCh Ooums, Toujcr bi&8, paR Оошпэ, CUhiCc Ooums, Che ShiRc, Annuminas, and poRnosC. CaRdoCan urns a bReakaiua^ ReaCm op Che Ounedain kingdom op ARnoR. ApCeR Che deaCh op \ ARnoR’s kin£ CiLRenduR, his sons 1| divided Che RcaCm mCo Che )// kingdoms op ARChcdain, RhudauR and CaRdo^an. Vi, The souCheasccRn 6oRdeR op I/ CaRdotan pottouied Che (¡J QaaCh£6 and Che CDlChcichct i Co Che Lasc bRid^e. p'Rom ChcRc I \ 1C8 6oundaR§ poC^omed Che ^ (;RcaC Case Road tuesCtuaRd Co Che bRand^iume bRid^e, and )lj Chen down Che baRandum Co Г Che Sea and Chcnce Co Che mouch op Che QuaChto. t)ouievcR, CaRdoCan atso claimed Che ¿and беСшссп bRcc у. and Che CJJeaChcR ^¿¿8. NoCaб¿c il) pcaCURes tuichin CaRdo¿an lucrc [a Che <Xd P'orc8C, Che (\ baRRoui-doums, Che Souch Оошпз, and Che QReenuia^. RhudauR ша8 Che 8тna¿¿e8C op Che kingdoms ChaC oRi^maCed pRom Che 6Rcak-up op ARnoR. RhudauR poRmcd Che easCeRn |j paRC op ARnoR, and sCReCched 7 pRom Che ШeaChcR bitts uiich л Атпоп Sй¿ Co Che rivcr bRUinen. fj 1C Reached Co Che CCCenmooRS. / 1C shaRcd a ¿on£ doRdcR uiich CaRdo¿an a¿on£ Che C^ReaC Case Road, and uiich ARChcdain a¿on£ \ Che ¿me op Che (IlcaCheR b\CCs. The ¿and беСшссп Che rtvcrs ^ CDlChelChe¿ and bRUinen ша8 |\ a¿8o considcRcd paRC op RhudauR and шаз ca¿¿cd The An^e. ORODRETH ELDATHORN tTARANDlI? ElSDARlON FORiVlENDAGlL ^RHUGGAi STHEiUSURPER ^ARGEEEBvl ■A I: DOR ARVEEEG'iI iVUNALGARl potUCR ' к Г* UA OSTOHERi NIRNADEL* kin£ ARvedui ша8 paCheR Co ARanaRCh piR8C chiepCain op Che Ounedain ARVEDUI И гСшшшайшв (ш^эээ^Сшо I ВйЗЗйиОЭиО Щ
Арда,Arda,фэндомы,Легендариум Толкина
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