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Were those Ekes who «id not go to the west in the Elder Days. but instead spread to the lands east and south due to the wars between Ehes. Dwarves, Ores and Men in the First Age. The Tatyarin Avari belonged to the group of

GENEALOGY OF THE ELVES * • ENANOAKD.DEVIANTART.COM . xR TATYARIN AVARI Were those Ekes who «id not go to the west in the Elder Days. but instead spread to the lands east and south due to the wars between Ehes. Dwarves, Ores and Men in the First Age. The Tatyarin Avari belonged to the group of ehes guided by Tata, the second elf to awake at Cuivienen. QUENDI Die Ehes. or Firstborn, 'were the first of Eru’s Children to awaken. Bean under the stars before the ascension of the Moon and the Sunuthey retain a special kne for light and an inner spirit endowed with unique gifts-They call themselves the Quench or "Speakers", for they were the first to utter words and e\en now no race understands language and song like the Rrstbom. a n a . eqaqcJqm_A onqWccJono cj \o cc anal cl jC4DC(Cl CIO i :cd CjCCf llnaclc] do cd сааласа ш. Ц^‘лС|0 Cl122 *7Л 10 со а ш NELYAR Vêre tlie family and Mijwers of EneL tlie third Elf to awake at Cuhienen. They were the ancestors of tlie later Teleri. TELERI were tlie third and largest of the three hosts of the EldarThey were those of the Nelyarwho liad gone to join the hosts of the Minyar and Noldor on the Cheat Journeyln contrast to the first two peoples tlie Teleri were a diverse and disimified liost led looseh' by the two brothers Ehve and Ohve (and lesser Giieftains as Nowe and Lenwe). xh W NELYARIN AVARI They can be divided into many groups. Among tlie main groups are the Fenni who wandered in Rhun and Rhovanion and mixed with the Wood-Ehes. Otlier groups were the Falassear Peni and Muri. Die NelyarinAvari belonged to the group of ehes guided by EneL tlie third elf to awake at Cuhienen. Ж Ж FËANORIANS Were the kin that followed Fëanor and his sons: Maedhros. Magloc Celegorm. Caranthir Curufin. Amrod and Amras. to Belenand during the First Age. Diey dwefled in the East of Belenand. Most of them were destroyed in the wars FOLK OF FINGOLFIN Were those who crossed tlie Grinding Ice after tlie betrayal of Fëanor They dwelled in tlie western part of Belenand. in the lands of Hithlum. Dortlionion. DorLomm. Nevrast and all the lands west of the Riser Sinon. FOLK OF FINARFIN Vere those who stayed in Yalinor after the Exile of the Noldoc and tliose who marched westward during the War of Wrath that ended with tlie First Age of tlie Sun. Diey marched under tlie command of the King Finarfin. brother to Feanor and Rngolfin. HWENDI Were a people of Avari Ehes. A few wandering Hwendi had also entered the FcBochvaith. Due to their cold northern homelands tlie Hwendi were also known as Frost-Ehes or Ice-Ehes. WINDAN Were a people of tlie Avari ehes that had Mossed Tareg to the Westlands and had come to the lands of Rhun. Rhovanion. and finaHv Eriador and Beleriancl Die Eolrim were one of their tribes that moved into Belenand while the Mountam-ehes of Mirkwood descend from those Wmdan who did not cross tlie Hithaeglir f KWINDI Were a people of the Avari ehes. Diey might actualh' be identified with the Avari of Rahan and southern Cuivienen. Die Kwindi were a relatively primithe Cave-Culture who settled in small communities within valleys or along Hillsides. FALMAR1 As known as the Sea-Ehes. Were more of a mix of types than the Noldor or Yanyar They were also a more numerous kindred. The FaJmari were regarded as tlie greatest Mariners and Shipvrightss. they were coastal shippers and fishermen and lived in the bay of Eldamar where they had their capital, tlie great dty of Alqualonde. or on tlie Island Tol Eressea. SINDAR As known as tlie Grey-Ehes. Were tliose Teleri who did not go to tlie Unifying Lands but staved along tlie coasts of Bekriand under their Lords Thingol and Elmo.They were also conadered Twighlight Ehes being neither true Dark Ehes nor Light-ehes. Diey lived in Cave-dwellmgs in the wooded Hifls or in coastal Havens. they were acknowledged Craftsmen although no match for tlie Noklor NANDOR Were a kranch of the Teleri Ehes who. under their chieftain Lenwe (or Dan) did not cross the Hithaeglir The Green-Eh es of Ossmand and Wood-Ehes of Mukwood and Lorien were their descendants. The Nandor were a relatively primithe woodland culture, hunt os and gatherers who settled in small communities in forests and along rher valleys. <*■ i»v»/ 9 ршЛлоЬ^ ci momncL г ( / / оЬ.ппс| nqhipi J bnoAOh. aqonqtmi X ч ± I '• ' j j^bDnq piocamaq it t ~ ' t ч cltnclqAAd тгплог // / qonclAbAtaq yanva " cl in xrqcioAnq mxftqmq . amtdq ababcqcqbu о uqnmyvaqm пс4\лЬо b Aq^bibq cjaacjy [ndaAna ion «TOC ciamqAnb norm km cc q tdqmnqab aoo * J1 1 ' _ ' j (• dqhinq DOA'Ç'anbn nqmclq ашашпатп^ cio dn nqbi ddm^Ç'dhi руалоп cjovay 'axcjhiôcjacliir^ cia о nqApicln ccioiiiono ¿m Ьлпау tdoant2 v cqoxyaJqlco, (xxciqqno I ( / С I i. j П C|^ul2 DCj uÿPÿtÎLlO DO NOLDOR OF EREGION Eregion was the scene of one of the great dramas of the Second Age and still bcae scars after 3000 years. None of it was e\er fertile, зале for pockets of land along rher \-alleys. Die devastation of the War of tlie Ehes and Sauron left it with few trees and little soiL Die best land was dotted with Ehish ruins, remnants of the Nokfo Kingdom of Eregion. which flourished hoe from SA 750 to S.A. 1697. NOLDOR OF RIVENDELL After the destruction of Eregion during tlie War of the Ehes and Sauron in the Second Age. tlie remaining ehes. under the command of Elrond founded the realm of Imladris in the Hidden Valley of the East Road. LU1NDRIM Die Lirindrim are an Avarin People on the northern peninsula of Middle-earth. They are tlie inliabitants of tlie land Luindor but some groups abo Ihe in Myr and Urd espedafly intlie forest of Dir MITHRYDHIL The Mithrvdliil are an Avarin Peojfle on the northern peninsula of Middle-earth. They are tlie inhabitants of tlie land Luindor but some groups also five in Myr and Urd. espedafly in tlie forest of Dir \ EÖLRIM A AWARTASI xG HWENTI Die НлсеиНлсеге one of the few known Avan tribes. They had originally been Hwendi who joined part tlie Host of Tareg but sundered from tlie otlier vestwandering Kindrecls and entered the southern Lands of tlie Bay of Belfalas. southern Gondor and Near-Harad. A small group had also staved in the Pmnon Rlnin. Were a tnbe of the Avari from tlie host of the Windan that had followed Tareg from Palisor They were led by the half-Sinda EoL a great smith, and entered tlie lands of Bekriand. where they were devastated by the great wars. A small remnant of the Eolrim. the H\ettir survive in Lindon. MOUNTAIN ELVES Were a tnbe of the Avari from the host of the Windan that had followed Tareg from Palisor They dwelled near the dopes of Ered Lirin in Hadindon. Ehes of the forsts of tlie land of Ibav: in the South-East of Middle-Earth. CUIND Were a tribe of Avari elves living in the Utter South of Middle-earth in the forest of Yalagalen. Diey had dark or olive skin and mostly brown or black hair and eyes. The Cuind were a relatively primitive Cave-Culture who settled in small communities within valleys or along Hillsides. Metalwork originally had been largely ahen to them as had been buildings made of stone. KINDI Were one of tlie few known Avari tribes.They had originally joined the Host of Tareg after the Battle of Palisor but soon disbanded into small groups roaming the vast central Plain of Middle-earth. Diese Dves were also known as the Plains-Elves or Steppe-Elves. Diey had pale or sallow skin and mostly black or dark grey hair and eyes. w KINN-LAI As known as tlie Jungle-Ehes.Were. along with the Cuind. one of the few tribes of Avari that had entered tlie Utter South of Middle-earth. Both tribes were believed to be descendants of Kwindi from southern Cuhienen who had joined tlie Host of Tareg after the Battle of Palisor Diey had Dark or olive skin and mostly brown or black hair and Eyes. FALATHRIM Die Falathrim were the shoreland Ehes of the Falas who took Cardan as their lord from the beginning. Their last home on Middk-eartli before finally leaving for the L’ndving Lands was the Grey Havens, but before that they dwelt mainly in the ancient havens of Eglarest and Bnthombar MITHRIM AsknoKvnasthe North-Etas. The Ehes of Mithrim crossed into Hithlumfram Bekriand at some time before the rising of the Sun-settling in tlie regions around Lake Mithiini They \vere the first Ehes of Middle-earth encountered by tlie Noldor upon their return fixan Aman Fmgolfin took up lordship in Hithkun- Mith most of his c*vn people dwelling around the shores of Lake Mithrim. EGLATH As known as Doriathrim. The Eglatli (’Die Forsaken") were the Teleri (lindar) Ehes of the Great March who decided to stay in J Belenand seeking their lost leader Ehve (Thingol). Die main host of tlie Tekai followed Ohve on their wav* to Aman. Die Eglath eventually became the Sindar with Diingol as their King. LINDELLIM As known as die Brown-Ehes.^were a strain of the Nandor vdiich had crossed the Misty Mountains but not entered Bekriand- although they were jamed by returning Green-Ehes m tlie Second Age who founded the fast enadomn Sflvan Realm under Celebcm and Galadrid around tlie Evendim lands. Diey largely resemlfled their Kinsmen in Rhovanion and Lindon. though, after tlie destruction of their Kingdom NemriaL they never again were alie to unite cr form a realm again LAIQUENDI As known as tlie Gieen-Ehes. woe the Ehes of Denetlxrsfolk. Descendants of the Nandor of Rhovanion ^vdio flflb«\ed their Sindar kinsmen *er the Elithaegfeard later the Ered Dun. They had pale cr lavender hut sometimes also Laxnvnish. skin and mostly dark or golden hrovm liair liut abo sandy lJcnd and silver-white tones could be found anions them. * HAWN IN Y ere a branch of the Nandor who had wandered into southern Gondor and Near-Harad. Die Hawnin were a relatively priniitiv Hunters and Gatherers and shunned tlie desertlands. living near smaller Yoodlands and riverine valleys-Diey either settled in small communities or remained Nomads. GALADHRIM As known as tlie Tree-people. Were tlie Ehes. meetly Sflvan in origin, who inhabited the woods of Lothlonen. The Galadhrim prospered and were instructed under their Sindann rulers, and afterwards by the their Lord and Lady They became proficient in making' Lembas. Ehen rope. Ehen-doaks and many other crafts. They lived in telam built in tlie trees. ê SILVANS "SYre the largest group cf Quaadi remaining in tbeVestlanck They were fix the most part descendants of tlie Nandor Ehes of tlie Telam strain who bad refused to cross the Hithaeglir and chose to remain within the great Greenwood. The Sflvans still remained in tlieir ancestral lands, although die great Greenv cood had lost it’s fcsma* aze and was reduced to die Mukwood die analkr forest realm of Lotlflonm and the Neldoreth or Eryn Rhun. ELVES OF THE WOODLAND REALM The Woodland Realm was established by Oropher a Smdarin lord of Donatli. after the War of Y rath. L'nlike most Sindar. Oropher and his household dedined the Yalar's offer to depart from Middle-earth for Yalinor Instead he migrated eastward and became the King of the Nandor of Greenwood the Great. Oropher and his household quickly adopted the language and customs of the Wood-ehies. wishing to return to a simple existence. LOSSINDIL As known as the Snow-Ehes. Yereafar northern group of Nandor who had wandered into tlie Forodwaithmthe Second Age aftennner disputes among the Danians and returning Sindar led by Oropheu Legend told that the Yala LTrno. Lord of the Deep visited the Snow-ekes beside the frozen shoes of the Enrirding Sea. and beckoned than to set foot upon the Landless Land tlie polar desert at the summit of the weald there to take up the guardianship of HelecthiL the mystoious sairce of radiance that illuminated the northon sky by night. UIALRIM The presence of the SflvanAvari beneath the ancient canopy of the Taur Romen or Agasha Dag at east of tlie Sea of Rlnin. has leant the high forest with a secret and fairy* nature. Many are the magical glades and enchanted pools and streams that wend their bubbling way towards tlie «distant sea.
Квенди,Арда,Arda,фэндомы,Легендариум Толкина
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